things that society normally frowns upon," Ted pronounced grimly.
"No, no. Nothing gory. I'm afraid you don't quite understand what I mean. Let me start at the beginning. Cigarette?" Ted accepted, sat back, and listened to Harry.
"A few months ago, we almost had a serious security leak. Enemy agent attempted to black mail the top man in our laser-gun program."
"Oh! What goods did they have on the guy?" Ted asked with interest.
"Somehow, the Commies got hold of pictures of him dressed in drag – threatened to show them to his wife and employer. Fortunately, the creep was at least loyal and got in touch with us. We nabbed the Red agent. Then, we tried to nail the fairy for perjury - he swore he wasn't homo when he signed for Top Secret clearance. But the fink hired a smart lawyer, got a shrink to back him up, and managed to weasel out of it."
"How did he get away with it?”
“Well, the shrink was ready to testify that there are a few nuts who dress up in women's clothes just for kicks, and aren't really homosexual, though I still find it hard to believe. The defendent claimed he was one of those kind, and we couldn't prove he wasn't. Had to drop the case. Couldn't even get him fired – he threatened to sue for false arrest and dis- crimination. And, the way the Courts are these days, he just might have won." Harry mourned ruefully. "Besides that, we really needed the freak on the job-losing him would have set the schedule back by six months with a million-dollar cost overrun. And you know how that would make the brass unhappy."
"Yeah, I guess so. But where do I come in?“
"I'll get to that in a minute. Ted. Now it's my job in the Agency to try and prevent such incidents from happening. I figure that the best thing we can do is to find out who these clowns are and watch them like hawks. At least, we can tell 'em we know all about their queer habits, so they will cooperate with us instead of the enemy.“
Kathy returned with a tray "Here's your coffee, gents. Thought you might like some donuts, too.“